Visual Culture through the Post-Colonial Lens

Reading Journal for VCC302

Friday, March 02, 2007

“Displaying Sara Baartman, the ‘Hottentot Venus’ Sadiah Qureshi

Sara Baartman was taken from South Africa and tranfered to Europe as a curiosity . Because of her looks and the tribe from which she was from she was labeled the Hottentot Venus. Her body was put on display in Europe and curious on lookers paid to see her . Even in death her genitals were cut off and put on display.

In 1995 South Africa requested her body parts be returned and buried in the proper way of her tribe which represents black artists to reclaiming their image and sexuality as their own and not of that of the European Colonizers.

Also mentioned in the Article the work of Coco Fusco who put themselves on display in a cage as a new recently discovered tribe , they even charged people to see the male genitalia or to make the women dance . Her the audience took the role of the colonizer and objectify these new tribes people and treat them as if they were animals . It's amzing how many people believed the act and bought into it .


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